Model Portfolio
The model portfolio is an example balanced growth-oriented investment portfolio that reflects our investment philosophy. The rates of return are the real performance of segregated fund investments made for our clients. We use the model as a starting point for investment planning, which is then customized to meet your particular needs and goals. Please be advised that past performance is no indication of future results and individual results will vary based on timing and other factors.
Performance %s are net of all fees
Portfolio Performance assumes rebalancing on January 1st of each year.
Individual Investor performance will vary depending on the timing and management choices.
This is an example of a simple portfolio encompassing all accounts (e.g. RRSP, TFSA, RRIF, etc.).
The model is a long-term-growth-oriented portfolio with low to medium risk, a good starting point for discussion.
Additional funds would be added or subtracted to match individual risk tolerance, income, and liquidity requirements.
All Model Portfolio Funds are Guaranteed to pay 100% of net invested funds, or the highest reset value, to your estate.
*Portfolio Averages assume YTD is full-year Performance, i.e. YTD performance has an outsized impact on Average return.
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